SCWOA Constitution


Article I
Name of this organization shall be The “Southern California Wrestling OfficialsAssociation, CHANNEL COAST / SAN FERNANDO VALLEY SECTION

Article II
Is committed to providing equal opportunity and equal access to all Officials regardless of age, sex, race, color, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, handicap, disadvantage, political affiliation or beliefs, in all activities that it conducts. No person shall be subjected to any form of discrimination or sexual harassment.

Article III- Authority
This Constitution, by-laws and Code of Ethics are adopted by majority vote of the Executive Board and approved by a majority vote of the general membership. Robert’s Rules of Order prevails unless otherwise specified.

Article IV-Objectives
The primary objective of this association is to promote and foster the sport of amateur wrestling. The secondary objective is to recruit, train and furnish qualified persons to officiate amateur wrestling.

Article V Membership
Section 1: Membership shall be available to any person 18 years of age or older
interested in officiating CIF wrestling in the CHANNEL COAST / SAN FERNANDO
VALLEY SECTION, provided they meet the minimum qualifications described below:

Section 2: Classification
There shall be four (4) classes of membership.

A. Active member. A qualified member shall be one who:

  1. Achieves at least the minimum passing grade of 80% on all qualifying exams;
  2. Meets the financial obligations imposed by the Associations;
  3. Fulfills all game assignments, which he/she has previously accepted;
  4. Adheres to the Code of ethics as described in the current NFIOA Rule book and Code of Ethics adopted by the association;
  5. Attends the required number of Association meetings and
  6. Serves at the league novice tournaments as assigned without pay

Only Active members shall have the right to vote, to hold office, to receive match
assignments, and to enjoy all other privileges and benefits of membership in the

B. Inactive member – A member who is in good standing and wishes to maintain
rating, but due to circumstances, is unable to maintain active membership. A reduced fee is required for all inactive members

C. Prospective member – An individual who desires to become an active member,
but has not fulfilled the requirements of the Constitution for active membership.

D. Suspended member – A member who has been suspended by the Executive Board
for cause.

Article VI – Classification
An official shall be classified by the rating committee and approved by the Executive Board according to the following categories:

  • Beginning category, eligible to officiate at the Junior High School, freshman, sophomore and Junior Varsity Levels.
  • Requires two years at the C level and proven competence to advance to the less difficult high school dual meet competition
  • Requires at least two years at the B level and a proven competence to handle the more difficult high school dual meet competitions, with proven competence may be recommended to officiate at the college level.
  • Requires at least three years at the A level and a proven competence to handle the most difficult officiating assignments.

The rating committee shall establish a system for evaluating and classifying all officials and a methodology whereby an official can advance to a higher level. It shall be, however, the responsibility of the individual official to obtain the necessary rating evaluations from a higher-ranking official to submit his name for reclassification. The rating committee will submit to the Executive Board, annually, its recommendations for each individual classification.

Article VII – Discipline

A. The matter of discipline of members shall be vested in the Board of Directors and will be as follows:

  1. Warning- an official notice that an inexcusable, unethical or unsportsmanlike action is a matter of record and that such action must not re-occur.
  2. Suspension- the most severe type of discipline, and may be combined with a fine. A suspended member will not be considered a member in good standing and as such will not take part in the running of the Association.

B. Actions that must be considered by the Executive Board for disciplinary action include, but are not limited to:

  1. Violation of provisions of the Constitution, by-laws and Code of conduct.
  2. Failure to cooperate with any policy of the Association.
  3. Knowingly officiate with a suspended member or work with any official not a member of an association without the approval of the executive board.
  4. Inexcusable failure to attend approved number of association meetings.
  5. Failure to notify the Assignment Chairman or CIF Assignment Director of being unable to work assignment prior to the assigned match.
  6. Reoccurring failure to show for an assigned tournament, dual meet, or show up later than the assigned meets time.
  7. Failure to wear the proper uniform, and/or equipment.
  8. Drinking or partaking of any intoxicants during the day of a scheduled tournament or dual meet prior to completion of the assignment.
  9. Failure to comply with the Officials code of Ethics as outlined in the NFIOA rulebook.
  10. Any discourtesy by an official that might reflect unfavorably upon the Association, its member(s) or other persons.

C. Any member of the Association may file a written complaint/report with the Executive Board. The complaint/report shall be signed and present the nature of the grievance and/or claimed violation.

D. Any member that is disciplined has the right to appeal, and if he/she feels the discipline is unjust, may request a meeting with the Executive Board. The Executive Board should meet within seventy-two hours and their decision will be final.

Article VIII – Executive Board
Section 1

a) The governing body of the Association shall be a Board of elected or appointed members which shall have the following powers and duties:

  1. The Executive Board shall exercise general supervisions of all officers and committees of the Association.
  2. The Executive Board shall exercise the provisions of these Articles and shall make recommendations and decisions with regard to matters affecting the Association, which decisions may be reversed only by a majority vote of the quorum of members of the Association
  3. The Executive Board shall govern the expenditures of funds.
  4. The Executive Board shall schedule all meetings and events for all officials.
  5. The Executive Board shall rate all officials at the beginning of each season.
  6. The Executive Board shall meet at least twice annually. Said meetings shall be in early spring and no later than two weeks prior to the first meeting of the Association. The Executive Board shall meet at the discretion of the President or a majority of the Executive board.

Section 2
The authorized number of Elected officers shall be six (6). (With their respective terms)

  1. President (Two year term)
  2. Vice President (One Year term)
  3. Secretary/Treasurer (Two year Term)
  4. Instructional Chairman (Two year Term)
  5. Assignment Chairman (Two Year Term)
  6. Member-at-large (One Year Term)

A. Excepting the office of the President (which shall be filled by the vice-president),
vacancies in the Executive Board may be filled by a vote of the remaining officers
and each officers so elected shall hold office until his successor is elected at a
meeting of the members. A vacancy or vacancies shall be deemed to exist in the case
of resignation, death, disability, or the inability to act on by any officer.

B. To constitute a quorum for the Executive board, the number shall be at least four
(4) or greater to conduct business and any business conducted shall be valid so long
as reasonable notice of any said meeting had been given to all Officers. Each officer
shall have one (1) vote, except for the president who votes only in case of a tie.
Section 3

President – Shall preside at meetings of the association and appoint such committees as
are necessary and will execute the will of the association. The President shall call
meetings of the Executive Board. The President shall, in general, supervise and oversee
the affairs of the Association. The president will also serve as the Association’s
representative to the parent SCWOA organization. The term of office is for two years.

Vice-President. The Vice-President shall serve in place of the President in the event of the latter’s absence or inability to act. The office is for a one-year term. The VicePresident does not automatically become president for the next term.

Secretary/Treasurer – Shall keep a record of all meetings, correspondence and financial records of the association. The term of office is for two years.

Instructional Chairman – Shall prepare and deliver the necessary training program designed to cover the rules and regulations governing amateur wrestling, including the latest rule changes and interpretations in order that each official is fully cognizant of the current system. The term office is for two years

Assignment Chairman – Shall work closely with the CIF liaison, City Assignor and
League offices in assigning qualified officials at all dual meets, tournaments and other
wrestling events. These assignments shall take into consideration the availability of each
official, travel distance and difficulty of assignments. The term of office is for two years.

Member-at-large – Shall attend all Executive Board meetings and General Membership
meetings and is expected to reflect the ideas and thoughts of the membership. The
member-at-large shall serve on such committees as the president determines will best
serve the organization. There will be one such position. The term of office shall be for
one year.

Article IX – Dues and Fees
The dues and fees for membership shall be established by the Executive Board and shall include the Association’s fees for the parent SCWOA organization and any other affiliation, which the association may take.

Article X – Elections
Elections will be held annually at the Mid-season meeting. Nominations shall be accepted from the membership, and nominees shall leave the room while the election procedure regarding their office is being conducted. Officers elected shall begin their term following the annual Spring BBQ.

Article XI – Salaries
The Instructional Chairman and Assignment Chairman shall be the only two positions receiving any remuneration. The amount of remuneration shall be determined by the Executive Board and based on the parent organization and CIF policies.

Article XII – Amendment
The Constitution, by-laws and Code of Ethics may be amended by a majority vote of the membership. Proposed changes must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board for their consideration and deliberation.
Adopted- October 4, 1991
Amended October 13, 1998 , November 15, 2001